Y Plus Design Studio Ltd. is a detail oriented design firm specializing in residential design, corporate design, and commercial design. We also offer contracting and project management services. Our

About Us Managing, Analyzing and Mobilizing Information Sybase, an SAP company, is an industry leader in delivering enterprise and mobile software to manage, analyze and mobilize information. We are

About PremiumSoft PremiumSoft was founded in 1999 and is a fast growing company, aiming at accelerating application development and database management with software that enhance productivity and max
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J商業 / 顧問JunYee business

課程網站: https://sthconsultancygroup.com/ 網上課程, 隨時隨地學習 課程內容: 投資銀行、首席財務官如何進行併購、籌資、分拆、全面收購。關聯交易。反向收購 財務總監如何進行年度報告及相關上市規則 公司秘書如何履行職責及相關上市規則(董事會會議、股東大會、購股權及獎勵計劃) 董事職責(內幕消息、停牌、復牌)
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Our consultants are devoted to be your leal advisors on property management.
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Company Profile Corporate and Security Solution Limited, CASSolution, is a Hong Kong based company, focus on providing total solution on Information Security, IT Service Management, Business Continui
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ETON Properties Ltd. is a prestige property investment and development company specializing in luxury homes, top quality commercial premises, shopping mall and hotel building. Developments where styl
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Company Mission ServiceTech (Hong Kong) Limited specializes in planning, developing and implementing Management Solutions. We offer BMC Business Service Management (BSM) product suite as a core, and

We are offering offer different levels of business writing services to working group living in Hong Kong for Employment related, business proposal, etc
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Established in 1979, Sino Estates Management Limited (SEML) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sino Land Company Limited and a fully accredited property management company that has been elected as a ful
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Our security co. licence no. is 0672. We make sure the buildings operate more smoothly. We help the owners' corporation to handle their job duties.Help the neighbors to have a good relationships. We
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